Lyricsdownloader for Conky


This is a python script that will download lyrics for the song playing in Amarok 1.4x, Amarok 2, Rhythmbox, Audacious, Banshee, Exaile, Gmusicbrowser, Juk, Quod Libet, Listen, Songbird, Muine, Beep Media Player, and MPD and display the lyrics on your desktop with conky.

Both the deb and the tar include an example conkyrc file. The deb installs this in /usr/share/doc/lyricsdownloader/ .

For Amarok 2, Gmusicbrowser, Songbird, Audacious, Juk, BMP, Muine, Exaile, Listen, Quod Libet, Banshee or Rythmbox support, you need python-dbus installed. For MPD support, you must
have MPC also installed. Songbird also requires the extension 'dbusbird'. If you run this from your own conkyrc, make sure that text_buffer_size is set to a high enough value or the lyrics will be cut off. In the example conkyrc it's set to 6076.

If your favorite media player is not supported, leave a comment, and I'll see what I can do.

Requirements: python, beautifulsoup, python-dbus

install BeautifulSoap
sudo apt-get install python-beautifulsoup

to run the conky type
conky -c .conkylyrics

Get the configuration for lyricsdownloader here
Get the configuration for .conkylyrics here

NOTE: The album art in the screenshots is displayed with a separate superkaramba theme for Amarok 2. It's available here:



Faenza-styled gaming icons

Created by popular Deviant Artist half-left, 22 game icons are currently included. These range from fun-favorites like Super Tux Kart and Frozen Bubble to survival horror game Amnesia: Dark descent and ‘hard-to-describe-in-a-single-sentence’ puzzle game ‘Minecraft.
Use of the pack requires the Faenza icon set to be installed (PPA instructions here).
Download and further install instructions to be found @


LibreOffice Faenza icons

By default, Faenza uses the OpenOffice icons for LibreOffice. But if you're usingLibreOffice, you may want some custom Faenza icons for it - there are no official icons yet but Funnyguy has created some beautiful Faenza Libreoffice icons which you can download via Gnome Look.

To install the icons, download the archive in your home folder, extract it and run the following commands:

cd cd 138257-libreoffice-faenza-icons_V2 sudo ./lo-install

Wi-Fi app ‘inSSIDer 2′ For Ubuntu

The first Linux release of  award-winning open-source Wi-Fi scanner toolinSSIDer 2 has been made available for download.
inssider linux
inSSIDer scans any network(s) available to your WiFi card/dongle and tracks the signal strength over time – even if you’re not connected to it. This makes it an invaluable tool when deciding on a network to join or for detecting performance issues with your own network.


As this release is of alpha quality it is not recommended for users dependant on the use of a stable WiFi scanning tool.
Pre-packaged .deb files are available for both 32bit and 64bit Ubuntu

Auto Shutdown Timer ( Sleep ) script for Gnome Ubuntu

Switch it off. Save energy & money by shutting down your computer automatically.
This is simple script that tell your Linux machine when to shutdown.
Since leaving my computer on for 24 hour, 7 day a week becoming a habit, I made 2 simple and easy to use scripts to shutdown my Ubuntu system automatically. Now I can fall asleep while listening to my favorite music without having to worry about shutting down my computer.
These scripts use Zenity interface & simple bin bash command.
There are 2 mode of shutdown timer in this script:

  1. Schedule shutdown timer - shutdown at any given time ( in 24 hour format hh:mm )
  2. Countdown shutdown timer - shutdown after given ( mm ) minute.


 Select shutdown timer mode

schedule mode - enter time hh:mm in 24 hour format

countdown mode - enter countdown shutdown time [minute]

 Abort shutdown

  • Download file here.
  • If you don't have Zenity pre installed in your system, install using Terminal:
sudo apt-get install zenity
There are 2 bin bash script files inside the folder - Auto-shutdown & Cancel-shutdown

Install & Use
  • Extract to any folder.
  • Right click, select extract here [image below]
  • Cut & paste Auto-shutdown folder to ~/.Gnome2/nautilus-scripts [ example image below]
  • Auto-shutdown script should be available on right click > Scripts menu [image below]
  • You can run shutdown timer script by clicking on Auto-Shutdown or abort shutdown timer using Cancle-Shutdown option.
  • Make sure permission to execute as program is given to both script files. 
  • Right click on script files > Permissions tab and check the “Allow executing file as program” checkbox.

Note: This script is tested on Ubuntu Karmic Koala system. It might work on other Linux distros. I'm not a programmer & this is my first time writing scripts with Zenity interface.

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