Showing posts with label icon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icon. Show all posts

Easy way to download Potenza and install

Potenza was updated on Gnome-look two days ago and this icon set has been rated positively. All icons in this set have a squircular shape and the bright colors make Potenza go together with dark GTK themes very well.

Here are some screenshots of Pontenza

 This is an easy way to download and install
  • sudo wget
  • sudo dpkg -i Potenza*
  • sudo apt-get install -f

Get malys ex - new elegant and stylish icon set by Jonny Malys

Malys -ex is the newest icon set created by the prolific artist Jonny Malys. The main style of this icon set is a spherical symbol inside a square with nice color combination.
 Here is a screenshot of this beautiful icon set:
 To install Malys -ex, you can just download it here then extract the icon folder to /usr/share/icons.
If you are using Ubuntu or Linux Mint, just open the terminal and run this command to install Malys -ex from the PPA
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons  
 sudo apt-get update  
 sudo apt-get install malys-ex

Malys Black/Blue Icons Updated to version 1.5 for Ubuntu/Linux Mint via PPA

Install Malys Blue/Black Icons on Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10/11.04/10.10/10.04/Linux Mint/or any Ubuntu based Distribution

Malys UniBlue/UniBlack Icons updated to ver1.5 and added new icons in this version. For other distro's check source links.
Install Tools to change icons: Gnome-Tweak-ToolUbuntu-Tweak

Malys UniBlue Icons

To install Malys-Uniblue-Icons on Ubuntu/Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

  •   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
  •   sudo apt-get update
  •   sudo apt-get install malys-blue-icons

Malys UniBlack Icons 

 To install Malys-UniBlack-Icons on Ubuntu/Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons 
  • sudo apt-get update 
  • sudo apt-get install malys-black-icons

Install Black-Amber Theme, Dragon-Equinox Theme, Gnombiance Theme in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot/Linux Mint 12 Lisa (Gtk 2/3, Gnome Shell, Unity)

First of all install Gnome Tweak Tool to change Theme and Icons.

1 - Dragon Equinox

Dragon Equinox Theme is Compatible with (Gnome Shell 3.2.1 -
1st Download Theme Wallpaper
2nd Install Awoken Dark Icons

To Install Theme on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install dragon-equinox-extension dragon-equinox-theme

2 - Gnombiance Theme

Gnombiance Theme is Compatible with (Gnome Shell 3.2.1 -
1st Download Theme Wallpaper
2nd Install Faenza Icons

To Install Theme on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install gnombiance-theme gnombiance-extension

3 - Black Amber Theme

Black Amber Theme is Compatible with (Gnome Shell 3.2.1 -
1st Download Theme Wallpaper
2nd Install Awoken White Icons
3rd Some theme tweaks open Terminal and enter following commands:
Following commands for lightdm:

  • wget
  • unzip -d /etc/lightdm
Following commands for Unity Greeter:
  • wget
  • unzip -d /usr/share/unity-greeter
Following commands for Unity Start Orb:
  • wget
  • unzip -d /usr/share/unity/4

To Install Theme on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install black-amber-theme black-amber-extension

Rotate Your GNOME/Xfce Wallpapers With DesktopNova

Every operating system is customizable to a certain extent.  Some, such as Linux, offer an incredibly wide variety of icons and themes, with others, like Mac OSX, not offering much at all.  One option all operating systems have, however, is the ability to change the desktop background picture, or wallpaper.  In this instance, Mac OSX shines, as it offers the ability to rotate through a folder full of images at preset intervals, so you’re never looking at the same image for longer than you want.

Linux and Windows, however, don’t offer this ability, at least not by default.  There are utilities available for both that have this feature, and in this article we’ll be talking about DesktopNova, a utility for Linux.

DesktopNova, as mentioned, doesn’t come installed by default (or at least not in Ubuntu or other popular distributions), but Debian and Ubuntu users will find it already in their software repositories. Other Linux distributions will need to check their package manager, or download the source code from this page.
In Ubuntu, the quickest way to install DesktopNova is from the Terminal.  So first, go to the Applications menu, then Accessories.

Open Terminal

Next, type the following command: sudo apt-get install desktopnova desktopnova-module-gnome desktopnova-tray

note: in the above command, installing desktopnova-module-gnome enables desktopnova for linux distributions running the gnome desktop.  there is also an xfce module, so xubuntu users should install desktopnova-module-xfce instead.  desktopnova will not run without one or the other being installed.
Once installed, you’ll find two DesktopNova entries in the same Accessories menu where you found the Terminal.

Open DesktopNova

To get started, open the first option, leaving DesktopNova-Tray alone (for now).
When you open DesktopNova, you’ll see a single window with four tabs.  The Images tab is first.

Select Images or Folder

Here is where you can create profiles (for different users, themes or occasions), as well as how you identify which images or folders will be used.
The second tab, called Settings, is just that.

Session Options

It offers the ability to set the wallpaper change interval, whether or not DesktopNova should change your wallpaper every time you launch it (even if the change interval isn’t complete), and whether DesktopNova should autostart with your computer.
Third is the Tray-Icon tab.

Tray Icon Options

There are only two options here: first is whether or not to start the DesktopNova-Tray application at launch (which allows you to change the wallpaper manually), and whether mouse scrolling through your wallpaper choices should be turned off or on.
Finally, the Advanced tab.

Image Type Filter

Here you can type in as many file extension types as you want.  The ones you have listed will be shown, those you leave out will be ignored.  So if you have duplicate images in your folder, some in PNG and others saved as JPG, you can have DesktopNova show only one or the other, so you don’t get repeats as often.
As mentioned, the DesktopNova-Tray application allows you to move forward or backward between images, just with a couple clicks (or a flick of the mouse wheel).

Tray Icon

You can also access the DesktopNova preferences, see the about screen, or quit the tray icon entirely. DesktopNova isn’t an incredibly complex program.  It basically mimics the desktop wallpaper slideshow ability already present in GNOME, but allows you to choose images from different locations, and without editing any XML files.  It’s simple, but useful, and that should make it a nice addition for most Linux users.


LibreOffice Faenza icons

By default, Faenza uses the OpenOffice icons for LibreOffice. But if you're usingLibreOffice, you may want some custom Faenza icons for it - there are no official icons yet but Funnyguy has created some beautiful Faenza Libreoffice icons which you can download via Gnome Look.

To install the icons, download the archive in your home folder, extract it and run the following commands:

cd cd 138257-libreoffice-faenza-icons_V2 sudo ./lo-install

Faenza 0.8 GNOME Icon Theme

This icon theme for Gnome provides monochromatic icons for panels, toolbars and buttons and colourful squared icons for devices, applications, folder, files and Gnome menu items.

An installation script let you choose the logo of your favourite distribution and the appearance of the main menu icon (Gnome/distrib, monochrome/colour).

 Two themes are included to fit with light or dark panels.

 This is a work in progress: a lots of icons are missing especially for devices and emblems.


Download the tar.gz file and extract it. In the new folder created, run the ./INSTALL script to choose the distribution logo (Ubuntu, by default) and the Gnome menu icon. If run as root, the script will copy the iconsets to /usr/share/icons to made them available to all users. Some default icons used by Rhythmbox and Dockmanager may be also replaced.
Run ./UNINSTALL as root to restore defaults icons.

Launchpad PPA
Faenza icon theme is available to install for Ubuntu users via a PPA repository. Open a terminal and run :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox

         sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme

You can also install the folowing packages:
* faenza-icons-mono to replace 22x22 squared icons for Deluge, Exaile, Fusion Icon, iBus and Kupfer by their monochromatic counterpart.
* faenza-extras or faenza-dark-extras to override some icons displayed in system tray by Faenza monochromatic ones. This affects Liferea, LastFM and RadioTray. Just install the package to match the theme you are using.

Known issues

* You can experience some problems with sound volume icons from Faenza-Dark if your GTK theme display some 22x22 icons in buttons: the icon displayed is the one used for the (dark) panel. This theme blends generally better with a GTK theme that display small icons in toolbars (22x22) and buttons (16x16). You can change the theme's icons size by editing the gtkrc file and adding this kind of line at the beginning:

 gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=22,22:panel=22,22:gtk-button=16,16:gtk-large-toolbar=22,22"

* A lots of applications does not currently support support monochromatic tray icon (deluge, gnome-do, skype, spotify, goldendict) without changing the application icon itself.

* Some applications are configured to always use the same icon regardless of the selected theme: e.g. emacs23, gcolor2, bluefish, hardinfo, defcon, gufw, pithos, goldendict, rssowl, vim, picasa, netbeans, gazpacho. 

To display the Faenza icon, edit as root the /usr/share/applications/application_name.desktop file and locate the line beginning with 'Icon='. Replace the fullpath icon name by the one of the Faenza icon (usually, it's the name of the application itself) without the extension. Don't forget to make a backup before changing one of those files. In some cases, you need to reinitialize the item in Gnome menu editor to display the new icon. Vim desktop file is /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop.
Picasa desktop files are located in /usr/share/local/applications.

 * Java applications like jDownloader or Frostwire doesn't support themes even if you edit the corresponding .desktop files.


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