How to check hardware specification in Linux

You may at times need to know about the hardware information of you computer for many reasons, such as to find a correct driver or to check everything when you want to buy a used computer. In Windows, the only tool I know is Speccy but in Linux, I'm quite familiar to some different tools. In this article, I will introduce the tools that are used with the command line only, so you wont find any tool with a graphic interface here. Also, I assume that these tools are not preinstalled in your distro by default (since I'm using Arch Linux) so just skip the installation part if you already have these tools in your system.

1 - check the /proc/ folder

The /proc/ folder has many useful files to check hardware info. The most popular files are /proc/cpuinfo (about processor info), /proc/meminfo (about RAM memory) and /proc/partitions (a full list about all disk partitions). To check these files, you can go directly to the folder and open these files with the default text editor. You can also run the "cat" command to display these files on the terminal. For example, you can run the following command to display processor info on the terminal:

 cat /proc/cpuinfo  

2 - lshw

lshw is a small tool (just about 1MB) to extract detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. Last time I checked, lshw is preinstalled in Ubuntu by default so you can skip the installation part (but I'm not so sure about that). To install lshw in Ubuntu and other Debian based distros, run this command:

 sudo apt-get install lshw  

If you use Arch Linux, run the following command to install it.

 sudo pacman -S lshw  

If you want lshw to give a full list of hardware info in details, just run this command (the list is quite long so it may take a little time to scan and display the info )

 sudo lshw  

If you just need a short list about hardware, you can use the following command

 sudo lshw -short  

The image below is the hardware info of my laptop after I run the short lshw command: how to find hardware info

To find the info of one specific class with lshw, say the processor, you can run the following command

 sudo lshw -class processor how to check hardware info

3 - hwinfo

Hwinfo is another useful tool to get hardware info. It is used to probe for the hardware present in the system and can be used to generate a system log. Hwinfo is my favorite tool so far – it gives more detaiks about the system hardware specification than lshw and the report is very well organized and easily accessible through command line switches.

To install hwinfo in Ubuntu and other Debian based distros, run this command:

 sudo apt-get install hwinfo  

If you use Arch Linux, use the following command:

 sudo pacman -S hwinfo  

The way you use hwinfo is quite analogous to that of lshw (however, you dont need to use the command as root for hwinfo). To get a complete report in details about all hardware components, serial number, model number, device class, descriptions, vendor, features ..., you can run this command:


If you just want the info about a particular class of hardware such as memory, processor or bios you can run a command like this:

 hwinfo --bios how to get hardware info

4 - dmidecode

Dmidecode is a very small tool (only 0.05MB) used for displaying table contents of a computer's DMI in an easy-to-read format. This table contains a description of the system’s hardware components, as well as other useful pieces of information such as serial numbers and BIOS revision.

To install dmidecode in Ubuntu and other Debian based distros, run the following command:

 sudo apt-get install dmidecode  

To install dmidecode in Arch Linux, run the following command:

 sudo pacman -S dmidecode  

To use dmidecode, just like lshw, you need to run the command as root. To get a full report about hardware info, you can run the following command:

 sudo dmidecode  

To get details about particular hardware classes you can run the commands like the example below tools to find hardware info

Resolve slow connexion when using wifi in ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 and LinuxMint 11

After installing or upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot  you noticed that the connexion is too slow when using the wifi, this is a simple solution. This solution works also for LinuxMint.

1- First method : You need to disactivate IPv6, to do that, open terminal and enter the following commands:

echo "#disable ipv6" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

Then restart your system.

If you still have the issue, follow also instructions on step 2.

2- Second method :  A second solution for this issue can be by using the following :

Open terminal and enter the following command:

sudo -s
gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf

at the end of the file add this:

options ath9k nohwcrypt=1

Save an restart your OS. 

MediaDownloader – Search and Download Google Image & Youtube Videos

Mediadownloader is an opensource software that lets you search, watch and download items with Google Image and YouTube. It grabs video streams while browsing with firefox (only linux). Videos can be converted automatically using ffmpeg.

There are deb packages provide in its homepage for Ubuntu installation: 

You may get a dependence error while installing, for me it was missing libqt4-webkit and can be easily fixed by apt-get install command:

sudo apt-get install libqt4-webkit
After installation, found it under Applications -> Internet m

How to install ClipGrab on ubuntu 11.10

ClipGrab is a free software for downloading and converting online videos from many sites like YouTube or Vimeo.

ClipGrab can download from the following sites: YouTube, Clipfish, Collegehumor, Dailymotion, MyVideo, MySpass, Sevenload, Tudou, Vimeo.
Downloaded videos can be converted to the following file formats: WMV, MPEG4, OGG Theora, MP3 (audio only), OGG Vorbis (audio only).

ClipGrab isn’t limited to the sites listed above, because many more sites are supported “unofficially” through the automatic site-recognition of ClipGrab - just try it!
By the way, ClipGrab can also download HD videos from sites that have support for high definition (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo).

Install clipgrab on ubuntu 11.10 

Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:clipgrab-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install clipgrab

Speed Up Your Internet Connection On Ubuntu

In this tip, we are going to apply a simple modification that can help you speed up your Internet connection and optimize page load time. The modification will be made to the nsswitch.conf file and it is valid for Ubuntu, Debian Squeeze & Wheezy.

Open the Terminal and run one of these commands to edit the nsswitch.conf file:

sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

Locate this line:
hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4

And add just below it this line:
hosts:          files dns

Save now the file and close it.

You will now see an improvement in your Internet connection speed, but don't expect a major improvement. Good Luck!

How To Enable Numpad Automatically At Ubuntu Login Screen (LightDM) - Ubuntu 11.10

LightDM is the new display manager used by Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot that allows users to submit their account credentials to login to a session. The problem with this display manager is that at logon screen, the numpad is locked and you are obliged to enable it manually to be able to submit your password.

To solve this, open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run this sequence of commands:

sudo apt-get install numlockx

echo "greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on" | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Reboot now your system to check if it worked.

Good luck!

How to Reset Ubuntu Password Using LiveCD

This trick should not be used for doing something bad with someone else. The main purpose of this trick is to recover your lost Ubuntu password.

 Now, prepare your Ubuntu Live CD and boot your computer from it until the desktop appears. Once, the desktop is ready, open Terminal and type the following command:

    . gksudo nautilus

Now, at the left sidebar, navigate to the root partition of your installed Ubuntu system, NOT the root partition of the Live CD.

 For the example, I'll reset password of the user "hok00age". Open file "/etc/shadow" with your favorite text editor and then search for line containing the username:

  . hok00age:$1$2TUdk8Z0$tb2Fn6Idgo8dq9EgYv4xZ0:13721:0:99999:7:::

Look at that code! All you need to do is replace the weird phrase "$1$2TUdk8Z0$tb2Fn6Idgo8dq9EgYv4xZ0" with another weird phrase "U6aMy0wojraho". If you did it well, you'll see the line is changed like the below one:

  . hok00age:U6aMy0wojraho:13721:0:99999:7:::

It will, replace your old password with newly BLANK password. So, if you want to log in your computer just leave the password field empty.

 Now, reboot your computer and login with the BLANK password.


source : 

Install Backtrack 5 Application in Ubuntu

For those of you who focus on computer/network security and love being Ubuntu user, You do not need to consider switching to other distros because you can Install any security application which available on Backtrack 5 on your Ubuntu. You can add Backtrack 5 repository to your ubuntu following this :

Add Backtrack 5 Menu to Ubuntu Repository

1. Download the key, here (*if first link not work change with this here)

2. Add the key you have download through synaptic (or terminal), Open your Synaptics then go to Repositories > Authentication > Import key file

3. Add following Backtrack 5 Ubuntu repository

    .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
    .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
    .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
    .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing

If repository above not work, you can use following repository (taken from indonesian backtrack community)

   .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
   .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
   .  deb revolution main microverse non-free testing

How to Limit Apt-Get Download Speed

This trick is useful when you're sharing your Internet connection among your friends or family. With this trick, you can perform such apt operation (install or upgrade) without interrupting the other members of your network.

In case, you want to limit your apt-get download speed at 20kb/s, so you should run the following command to perform apt-get operation (install or upgrade):

sudo apt-get -o Acquire::http::Dl-Limit=20K install package_name

Please take a look at statement "Acquire::http::Dl-Limit=20K", replace "20K" with your desired download speed. This trick was tested and worked well on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 2, but it should works on other versions of Ubuntu too.

Install ProZilla Download Accelerator on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot via PPA

ProZilla is ncurses based download accelerator that supports parallel downloads, HTTP and FTP downloads with FTP search feature. FTP search means ProZilla can search fastest FTP mirror for faster download speed. Because it based on ncurses, ProZilla is lightweight download accelerator too.


Ubuntu Lucid, Maverick, Natty and Oneiric can install ProZilla download accelerator by simply typing the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install prozilla

Usage instruction:

General usage
proz download_link

Resume download
proz -r download link

Limit download speed (at 20000 bps)
proz --max-bps=20000 download_link

Do FTP search
proz -s download_link

More download options
proz --help