Install SopCast Web TV player with VLC1.1.x problem fixed in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick

SopCast is a good on-line TV player on Ubuntu Linux,but it doesn’t start in Ubuntu with VLC 1.1.x version installed.
Fortunately,a new SopCast PPA created by Roberto @ LFFL fixed the problem,and you can easily get the SopCast Web TV player work again by installing SopCast from ppa:ferramroberto/sopcast.
Open a terminal window from Applications -> Accessories menu,run following commands to add PPA and install SopCast:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/sopcast
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sopcast-player
After that,launch SopCast from Applications -> Sound & Vedio -> SopCast Player.Navigate to Edit -> Preferences,under Media Player check “Use External Player” and type vlc in command box.(Make sure vlc media player installed first)

Now,search your favourate sop TV addresses on the web and watch via File -> Open


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